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Specializing in Trauma healing

Paul Noiles
Jan 3, 20203 min read
The difference between Pain and Suffering
The difference between pain and suffering. An important read for anyone who suffering and those with an addiction.
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Paul Noiles
Nov 18, 20192 min read
We all know about addiction!
I am going to make two bold statements that might upset many: 1) Every human being "knows addiction" if they are honest with themselves...
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Paul Noiles
Nov 7, 20192 min read
The Power of Surrender
We live in a culture that values the individual and individual achievement above all else, so it’s no wonder the interconnected concept...
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Paul Noiles
Oct 31, 20192 min read
Pain is not bad!
We have been brought up to believe that pain is bad, and pleasure is good, but the two are inseparable like night and day, birth and...
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Paul Noiles
Sep 20, 20193 min read
Childhood and dysfunction.
We desire intimacy but fear vulnerability. We say "come here (looking to connect)" but then say "go away" ( fear of rejection.)
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Paul Noiles
Jul 3, 20192 min read
The End of Relapse
From my upcoming book - Nov 2019 The End of Relapse (The Mistaken Identity Model of Addiction) LAYER 2- WE ARE NOT OUR MIND "There is...
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Paul Noiles
Jun 19, 20193 min read
"The cure for pain is in the pain."
Any attempts to escape from psychological pain will only create more pain. We must stop running from it as Rumi says, "The cure for pain...
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Paul Noiles
May 9, 20192 min read
We see the world as we are.
When we meet someone who appears different, remember it’s a holy encounter. As we see him, we will see ourselves. As we treat her, we...
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Paul Noiles
Apr 4, 20192 min read
“What others have to say about us is none of our business.”
It’s a true statement, but it will not serve us well until we look into the real reasons we become upset from what others say about us....
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Paul Noiles
Mar 15, 20193 min read
We need compassion from two places to recover; ourselves and others.
The last thing I needed back in my addiction years was the judgement of others because I was already constantly beating the living shit...
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Paul Noiles
Mar 8, 20192 min read
The answer to suffering!
The answer to suffering is to find meaning; it's how we let go of the victimhood question --why me? To this day, it blows my mind that...
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Paul Noiles
Feb 25, 20192 min read
Detachment means nothing owns us.
Detachment is critical to our spiritual awakening and recovery because when we attach our identity to anything or anyone, we can lose...
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Paul Noiles
Feb 24, 20191 min read
Every human being is addicted!
I am going to make a bold statement, “Every human being is addicted, in one way or another.” Because we have ALL at one time or another...
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Paul Noiles
Nov 16, 20183 min read
An anonymous true story of trauma:
The tale of Marlboro Man: Almost 20 years ago I meet twenty-eight-year-old Jim (not his real name) well in treatment for my second time....
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